ebp studio front reception desk

EPB Studio

We move people to improve their quality of life

ebp studio front reception desk

Opening Hours

Monday to Friday: 07:00 - 21:00
Saturday: 9.00 - 13.00
Sunday on request


Select a service below for the rate

An intake takes 60 minutes en costs between €75,00 and €85,00

A session lasts 30 minutes and costs between €37.50 and €42.50

A session lasts 30 minutes and costs €50.00

A second opinion with two therapists takes 120 minutes and costs €310.00.
You can also get a report for €75.00

A personal training takes 60 minutes and costs between €65.00 and €80.00

A duo personal training takes 60 minutes and costs between €90.00 and €100.00

An online programming intake takes 120 minutes and costs €130.00

Monthly online programming costs €100.00

A training lasts 60 minutes and costs €45.00This is reimbursed from your additional physiotherapy insurance

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What our clients say about us

"I had a great experience at EBP Studio. The staff was knowledgeable and friendly."

John Doe

Marketing Manager, XYZ Corp

"The personal trainers at EBP Studio helped me achieve my fitness goals."

Jane Smith

CEO, ABC Company

"EBP Studio has top-notch facilities and a dedicated team."

Mark Johnson

Manager, XYZ Corp

"I highly recommend EBP Studio for their exceptional services."

Emily Davis

Designer, XYZ Corp

"EBP Studio helped me recover from a sports injury quickly."

Sarah Thompson

Accountant, ABC Company

"The trainers at EBP Studio are professional and supportive."

Michael Brown

Engineer, ABC Company

Our Vision

ebp studio dumbbells


No six-week transformations or quick fixes, but training and therapy for long-term health, using the best available evidence in science.


Our approach is based on you, our client. Symptoms such as pain are often the reason for an appointment. However, what is the actual problem and what do you want to be able to do again? The answer to those questions is usually broader than the physical approach of a conventional physiotherapist and/or trainer. Sometimes there is no quick fix and the solution isn’t sexy. Think of it as a change in behavior.


Based on our expertise, we try to get to the core of your complaint(s) and find the most suitable solution.

Unfortunately we cannot offer any guarantees. Anyone who claims otherwise often only achieves short-term results and lacks transparency. We help you take control of your situation. We need you for that.